THE DEFINITIVE UNDERSTANDING OF TIME IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY, New Insights & Hidden Principles. (71 pps). A free PDF version
IMPORTANT! This document updates and replaces all previous treatments of time in special relativity in my books and talks below.
It's well recognized that everything in the universe travels at the speed of light in vacuum, c, through combined space and time. This was noted even by Einstein. As a result everything continually travels the same distance through combined space and time as light does, preferentially through time. However, to the extent something has spatial velocity its velocity in time and the distance it travels through time is decreased so the combined space plus time total always remains equal to c. This single fundamental principle underlies how time works in special relativity.
This document explains in detail how this principle explains the lesser aging of objects which deviate from original inertial paths including the traditional 'twins example' in which a space traveling twin returns to Earth younger than the twin he left behind.
This is explained in strict accordance with the standard equations of relativity but in an entirely new way which reveals not only the exact calculations but the hidden principles that underlie them.
As with much in my Complete Theory of Everything you'll discover many advanced new insights here that can't be found anywhere else.
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THE SMART PLANET, A Global AI Meritocracy. (306 pps).
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My latest book outlines an entirely new system of government and economics to save the planet and how to achieve it.
Is this book science fiction, prophecy, or a real practical plan for a wonderful new future? Whatever it is it's a profound and revolutionary new vision of an ideal Earth, and how it might actually be achieved.
The Smart Planet reveals a detailed plan for an entirely new government and economy to save civilization and the planet from impending destruction. A single global meritocracy staffed by the wisest among us produced by a free universal educational system specifically designed to produce the most ethical and effective problem solvers possible.
This is an entirely apolitical civil service whose only purpose is to manage the planet and global society in its own best interest.
Designed as a computational system on the basis of a global AI simulation of all the interconnected systems of the planet, the meritocracy gives the planet the single sane intelligent mind it has always needed. The Earth awakens to self-awareness and knows itself. Finally the planet is able to act purposefully as a single conscious intelligent organism to perfect its global well-being for the benefit of humans and nature alike.
Everyone on the planet should read this book and work together to give the Earth the single sane intelligent mind it so desperately needs. Otherwise only disaster awaits‰_|
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UNIVERSAL REALITY 2.0, Clarifying the New Theory of Everything. (234 pps).
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The full latest version of Universal Reality, the complete new Theory of Everything.
Universal Reality 2.0 is the best and most comprehensive Theory of Everything currently available. It presents a revolutionary new understanding of all aspects of reality including relativity, quantum theory, time, and cosmology that's completely consistent with the science by revealing the hidden principles that unify them all.
And this revolutionary new model of reality also seamlessly integrates the fundamental elements of our personal experience including existence, consciousness, and the present moment, which current science is unable to explain.
To complete our new understanding Universal Reality 2.0 also explains in detail how the world we see around us is actually a simulation running in our own brains. By revealing how our simulation conceals the true nature of reality from us we are able to cut through to the realization of the true nature it conceals.
Here we discover that the universe is computational. The universe and everything in it including ourselves is a running program continually computing the data of its existence. Thus the entire observable universe is continually recomputed in the virtual world of the quantum vacuum on the basis of the virtual data of the complete fine-tuning which is just as real as the data of the observable universe.
Thus we are the biological robots of ourselves. We are autonomous, intelligent, sentient, purposeful, and free-willed biological beings that continually compute our actions in interaction with a world of other running programs at every moment of our existence.
This book reveals this entire integrated system in beautiful detail and how it works to compute every aspect of the universe in a seamless unity. It's a clear, easy to understand, and incredibly profound presentation of the true deep nature of the universe that's available nowhere else, and neither we nor the universe will ever be the same.
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4/13/18. BRIGHT TIMES, The Early Poems. (82 pps).
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71 Poems of pleasure, sorrow, discovery, surprise, and other moments of bright consciousness from Tulsa, Branson, San Francisco, Japan, and New York City.
2/1/18. DEEP REALITY, The YouTube Talks. (112 pps).
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The complete text of my YouTube talks on Deep Reality as of Feb., 2018, adapted from Universal Reality 2.0.
11/1/16. RELATIVITY MADE EASY, The Hidden Principles. (174 pps).
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A simple easy to understand expanded explanation of the fundamental principles of relativity from the new theory of Universal Reality 2.0.
This book reveals the hidden principles of relativity and makes it easy for almost anyone to understand it. No longer is relativity a mysterious counter intuitive theory understood only by physicists. When the simple principles that underlie it are understood our whole view of the universe undergoes a revolutionary paradigm shift and relativity becomes completely natural and obvious.
The first principle is that everything in the universe continually travels through combined space and time at the speed of light. Thus if anything acquires velocity in space its velocity in time automatically slows. This principle underlies the time dilation of special relativity and provides a firm physical basis for the arrow of time and a present moment of existence, which revolutionizes our understanding of time.
The second principle is that all forms of mass and energy are different forms of spatial velocity. Thus gravitational fields become fields of intrinsic velocity density, which by the first principle slow the velocity in time of anything in the field. This principle reveals that gravitational time dilation and linear velocity time dilation are two aspects of the same thing and it also reveals the hidden reason for the conservation of mass and energy as simply the conversion of one form of spatial velocity to another.
These principles lead to a completely new understanding of the fabric of the universe as a universal field of spacetime velocity which can either be velocity in space or velocity in time at any point so long as the total velocity is equal to the speed of light c. Within this field the presence of spatial velocity is always some form of mass or energy, and the presence of mass or energy is always some form of spatial velocity.
This lets us replace the impossible to visualize curved spacetime of relativity with a much easier to understand flat space model in which gravitational fields become fields of intrinsic spatial velocity. This model of relativistic spacetime is completely equivalent to relativity‰_ªs curved space but has the enormous advantage of representing spacetime as we actually see it as flat rather than curved.
In addition this book shows how a computational model of the universe actually computes relativity in terms of the basic laws of nature. In a computational universe everything reduces to data and the laws of nature find a natural place as part of the data of the universe rather than somehow standing outside a physical universe they are not a part of it while mysteriously controlling it as they did in the traditional view.
This leads to all sorts of amazing new insights that can‰_ªt be found anywhere else such as convincing explanations for how the presence of mass actually curves spacetime, the true fundamental nature of time, solutions for the problems of Newton‰_ªs bucket and what world lines are actually relative to, and a simple new and convincing explanation of dark matter, all questions current physics has been unable to answer.
This is a serious scientific theory based solidly in modern physical and computational science that proposes a revolutionary new interpretation of the universe completely consistent with modern physics but from an entirely new perspective. Anyone interested in the fundamentals of relativity, time, and reality in general will find this book a fascinating and mind opening read.
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10/16/16. UNIFYING RELATIVITY & QUANTUM THEORY, The Revolutionary New Universe. (258 pps).
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A completely new, workable, and scientifically consistent way of unifying quantum theory and relativity from the theory of Universal Reality 2.0.
This book explains how the new theory of Universal Reality unifies relativity and quantum theory. By taking a computational approach in which spacetime is not a pre-existing container for events but is computed in the form of an entanglement network by quantum events along with mass-energy structures it avoids the incompatible views of spacetime of relativity and quantum theory which has been the main barrier to their unification.
This computational model is based on little recognized fundamental principles hidden within both relativity and quantum theory. These fundamental principles are simple and easy to understand and revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
The first principle is that everything in the universe continually travels through combined space and time at the speed of light. Thus if anything acquires velocity in space its velocity in time automatically slows. This principle underlies the time dilation of special relativity and provides a firm physical basis for the arrow of time and a present moment of existence, which revolutionizes our understanding of time.
The second principle is that all forms of mass and energy are different forms of spatial velocity. Thus gravitational fields become fields of intrinsic velocity density, which by the first principle slow the velocity in time of anything in the field. This principle reveals that gravitational time dilation and linear time dilation are two aspects of the same thing and it also reveals the hidden reason for the conservation of mass and energy as simply the conversion of one form of spatial velocity to another.
Then by taking the processor that actually computes reality as using a fixed number of cycles to compute either velocity in space or velocity in time general relativity automatically emerges, and by taking those processor cycles as randomly oscillating between computing velocity in space and velocity in time at the quantum scale the Uncertainty Principle and wavefunction descriptions of particles automatically emerge as well. The result is a unified computational process that seamlessly computes both relativity and quantum reality, and mass-energy and spacetime.
In the context of the computational model these fundamental principles lead to all sorts of amazing new insights that can‰_ªt be found anywhere else such as convincing explanations for how the presence of mass actually curves spacetime, the true fundamental nature of time, the explanation for Newton‰_ªs bucket and actual versus observational time dilation, a simple new and convincing explanation of dark matter, and the status and location of the laws of nature as virtual data in computational space, all questions current physics has been unable to answer.
This is a serious scientific theory based solidly in modern physical and computational science that proposes a revolutionary new interpretation of the universe completely consistent with modern physics but from an entirely new perspective. Anyone interested in the fundamentals of time, relativity, quantum theory, and reality in general will find this book a fascinating and mind opening read.
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10/6/16. REALIZATION, Experiencing Reality In a World of Illusion. (140 pps).
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An expanded explication of the nature of realization from the theory of Universal Reality 2.0.
Realization explains in detail how the world we experience around us and seem to live our lives in is an illusion. We are actually living inside a program that simulates reality in a form that makes it adaptive for us to function and survive. But rather than a simulation created by some alien programmer this simulation is produced by our own minds and has been programmed by millions of years of evolution.
Nevertheless our simulation completely misrepresents the true nature of reality to us. It‰_ªs only when we understand the many different layers of illusion our simulation produces that they can begin to be removed to discover the true nature of reality hidden within their veils.
This book reveals all the different ways that our simulation obscures the true nature of reality from us. Only when the illusory appearances of the simulation are recognized and pulled back one by one does the true nature of reality become clear and the path to its realization open before us.
Once the true nature of reality becomes clear and the veils of illusion that obscure it are lifted the secrets of realization appear and reality as it actually exists can begin to be directly experienced.
Realization is a transformative journey through illusion to the direct experience of the true nature of reality itself in the universe, the forms of all things, and within our own being. What we discover profoundly transforms the way we see the world and ourselves and how we live our lives within the living presence of reality.
This revolutionary new exposition of illusion, reality, and realization is based firmly in modern cognitive, information, and physical science and in carefully analyzed direct experience and avoids anything supernatural or metaphysical. It‰_ªs a completely new logically consistent understanding of reality and its implications that can‰_ªt be found anywhere else.
Anyone interested in realization and the true nature of reality will find this book a highly informative, enjoyable and enlightening experience.
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9/28/16. CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLAINED, Its True Nature Finally Revealed. (58 pps).
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An expanded explication of the nature of consciousness from the theory of Universal Reality 2.0.
Consciousness Explained is a groundbreaking new theory that presents an entirely new understanding of consciousness. Based solidly in modern physical, cognitive, and information science and in carefully analyzed direct experience, it provides a convincing explanation of what consciousness really is. Concise, accessible, and to the point it clearly explains consciousness in the context of reality itself.
Our consciousness in a present moment through which time flows is the fundamental experience of our existence. But exactly what consciousness is and how it can arise from a physical universe has long been an unsolved mystery that has baffled generation after generation of philosophers and scientists. Though many have tried science itself has ultimately had nothing meaningful to say about either the nature of consciousness or the present moment in which it occurs.
The fundamental problem of consciousness is that it‰_ªs obviously not physical in the traditional sense we ascribe to the universe, and in this contradiction is the key to explaining its true nature. But when we step back and carefully reconsider the fundamental nature of reality we quickly discover that it simply can‰_ªt be physical in the ordinary sense. In fact all the evidence suggests that it‰_ªs actually a computational structure and that its apparent physical nature is an adaptive interpretation of its true information nature produced by our mind‰_ªs internal simulation of reality.
Thus to solve the mystery of consciousness we must first demonstrate how and why the universe seems physical even though it‰_ªs actually computational. And then we must discover a new model of the fundamental nature of reality that is naturally compatible with the observed nature of consciousness and from which consciousness naturally emerges.
This book does just that. It offers a convincing science compatible explanation of consciousness with the added benefit of shedding light on the true nature of reality as well. And finally it explains how the true fundamental nature of reality is actually being experienced as consciousness in every moment of our lives and how we can realize this more deeply and completely. All and all this is a book impossible to ignore which is sure to have a lasting impact on the study of both consciousness and reality for years to come.
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9/14/16. UNDERSTANDING TIME, What it is and How it Works. (62 pps).
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An expanded explication of the nature of time from the theory of Universal Reality 2.0.
This book presents a revolutionary new understanding of time based on little known fundamental principles of relativity and physics and this in turn leads to a much simpler and clearer view of relativity itself, the nature of spacetime, and even the reason for the conservation of mass and energy.
It explains how we are all traveling through time at the speed of light at every moment of our existence but can never leave the present moment. And it clearly explains the actual non-paradoxical limits on time travel and why space travel may be more practical than we thought.
It explains that contrary to popular belief relativity itself requires the existence of a universal present moment in which the entire universe exists and is also the hidden source of the arrow of time.
It reveals there are two separate kinds of time, the time of the present moment and the clock time that flows through the present moment at different rates depending on the presence of spatial velocity including the intrinsic spatial velocity of gravitational fields.
It also explains that our universe is the surface of a 4-dimensional hypersphere with present moment time as its radial dimension and how we can actually see all 4 dimensions of this hypersphere from our time singularity within it.
And finally it explains why the present moment we experience in our daily lives cannot be the true nature of time.
This book is adapted from Universal Reality, the author‰_ªs new Theory of Everything, and is solidly based in modern science and the theory of relativity. Clearly written and easy to understand this is a book impossible to ignore which is sure to have a lasting impact on the study of time and reality for years to come.
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9/1/16. UNIVERSAL REALITY, The New Theory of Everything. (476 pps).
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Updated 2nd version of the Universal Reality Theory of Everything. Contains some content the latest version Universal Reality 2.0 doesn't.
Universal Reality is a revolutionary new science based Theory of Everything. The fundamental insight of Universal Reality is that understanding the universe as a program running in a medium of existence that science calls the quantum vacuum leads to simple and elegant solutions of many of the most important problems of science and philosophy.
The apparent incompatibility of quantum theory and general relativity is due to their inconsistent models of spacetime. Both model spacetime as a preexisting container for events but quantum theory assumes a fixed container while the dynamic spacetime of relativity depends on the presence of mass. Universal Reality resolves this incompatibility by demonstrating how spacetime is actually computed by quantum events in a manner consistent with both theories in the form of particle entanglement networks.
Universal Reality also explains why everything in the universe is constantly moving at the speed of light through spacetime. This is a little known implication of relativity of fundamental importance to the nature of the present moment, the arrow of time, and understanding relativity.
Another important new discovery is that there are two kinds of time, clock time and the time of the present moment. The very fact that space travelers always meet up in the same present moment with different elapsed clock times demonstrates there are two different kinds of time. The existence of two kinds of time immediately solves all sorts of important scientific and philosophical issues from the limits of time travel to the geometry of the universe.
The world we experience around us is a simulation produced by our minds rather than the true nature of reality. Universal Reality examines the simulation in detail to discover the true nature of reality hidden within the veils of illusion. This ultimately reveals that the apparent physicality of the world is an illusion that obscures its true information nature.
Universal Reality also provides the only truly convincing and logical theory of consciousness. Consciousness is clearly not anything physical so it cannot be the product of a physical universe in the usual sense of the word, and can only be explained by attributing the essential quality of consciousness to reality itself. Thus consciousness is not produced by human minds. Consciousness is simply the self-manifesting immanence of the information of things manifesting within our minds. Immanence is the invisible glow of existence in all things that is invisible to our eyes but manifests as consciousness in mind.
In its recognition of the immanence of reality Universal Reality also puts realization on a firm scientific and rational basis by defining it as understanding and directly experiencing the true immanent information nature of reality without any religious or metaphysical implications.
Universal Reality also provides logical solutions for the two most fundamental philosophical questions. Why something rather than nothing exists, and why what exists is what exists. This leads to the discovery of literally scores of important new insights about reality that can‰_ªt be found anywhere else.
Universal Reality provides the most comprehensive and consistent Theory of Everything available. From a few simple, reasonable and verifiable assumptions a completely unified Theory of Everything naturally emerges that is completely consistent with modern science and also seamlessly incorporates consciousness, existence, the present moment, and realization, all essential aspects of reality about which science itself has had nothing meaningful to say.
The search for the Theory of Everything is the ultimate quest and it promises discovery of the ultimate treasure. Universal Reality makes this quest as simple, clear and enjoyable as possible while we explore the deepest secrets of the universe where the greatest most wonderful mysteries of both reality and ourselves are waiting to be discovered.
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8/1/13. REALITY, A Sweeping New Vision of the Unity of Existence, Physical Reality, Information, Consciousness, Mind and Time. (408 pps).
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First version of the Universal Reality theory of everything. Read latest version Universal Reality 2.0 instead.
Reality is a groundbreaking new work that presents an entirely new understanding of reality. Based solidly in modern physics, cognitive science, information theory and direct experience it provides convincing explanations for many of the greatest mysteries of existence. Direct, accessible, and to the point it reveals one new insight after another.
It explains why spacetime is not a fixed background to events but emerges piecewise as separate spacetimes from the dimensional relationships generated by quantum events, and how this leads to the unification of quantum theory and general relativity and resolves all quantum paradoxes. It explains why nature is forced to act randomly at the quantum level when linking and aligning these individual space-times and how this is the source of all randomness and free will.
It explains why we all travel through time at the speed of light but can never leave the present moment, why there is an arrow of time, and a present moment in which we all exist. It explains how there are two kinds of time, the time of the present moment and clock time, and why this means our universe is the surface of a 4-dimensional hypersphere with present time as its radial dimension and how we actually see all 4-dimensions,
It demonstrates the physical world we think we live in is actually a simulation in our mind, and when we subtract everything mind adds to this simulation all that is left is an evolving information system that continually computes the current state of the universe, and this is the true fundamental structure of reality. It also explains the true nature of consciousness and how all the attributes of consciousness but one are actually those of reality itself.
It also answers the most fundamental questions of why something rather than nothing exists, and why what exists is what exists. Finally it explains how the true fundamental nature of reality is actually being experienced in every moment of our lives and how we can realize that more deeply and completely. All and all a book impossible to ignore which is sure to have a lasting impact on the study of reality for years to come.
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